Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Yes, I am living with my boyfriend's parents

...And I get free food. And it is really, really good.

I'm starting to appreciate the full range of benefits of co-habitating with Brad's family, also known as "mooching." Admittedly, I originally was eager to partake in the no-rent, frequent-free-meals, high-quality-shower type of benefits. This is what allowed me to quit my job and take a resort-style break. (Thank you God.) (And King family.)

These selfish reasons are certainly the temptation of every low-life mooch. I felt less guilty, however, after I read Little House on a Small Planet.

A central theme of the book is that more house means more waste. It’s wasted energy to heat and cool, wasted land a.k.a. destruction of other species’ homes, wasted time because it takes more work to afford it and more housework to maintain it—you know, a giant waste of your life and Planet Earth.

A year ago, Brad and I were heating our cabin in Washington, Brad’s brother was heating his downtown Austin apartment, and Brad’s parents were heating this whole house. Brad’s brother moved into the house (for unrelated reasons) and then we moved back. The house that was supporting two now supports five (and three dogs). By sharing a single house, the King family and I are using a more responsible share of the world's resources.

In the States, the norm is for a child to grow up, leave a bedroom empty in his/her parents' house, and create a new household with a mate. Often, this new household actually means new construction, tearing up land that has never been built on, creating new roads, mining, smelting, shipping materials of various toxicities, and so forth (perhaps “construction” is a misnomer). Meanwhile, that empty bedroom is still being heated and cooled, as a "guest room" or maybe a "sewing room." Bummer for Earth.

In anthro class, I learned that our tendency to create our own lovenests makes us a "neolocal" society. In other cultures (and back in the day), it is/was perfectly normal to move in with the folks. If the dude moves in with his lady's family, it's matrilocal, and if girliepants moves in with her guy's family, it's patrilocal. These kinds of families can share labor, expenses, and childcare. With so many of us struggling economically--and emotionally--maybe it's time to think about what we lose when we trade the clan for a nuclear family.

Having a neolocal society means that we also lose out on some benefits of community. New construction leads to sprawl, and sprawl often leads to de-centralization of community. Isolated and fearful, some families try to install community through structured programs or youth groups. Kids are shuttled from door to door by way of car door. I’ve heard more than one older person say how things have changed—apparently, it used to be cool to leave your doors unlocked and let 9-year-olds run around the neighborhood(/woods/fields) unsupervised. I have not investigated this incredible claim, so don’t take my word for it. Would any parents or grandparents like to comment?

Of course, all this is not to say I will live here forever. First of all, these are my opinions, not necessarily the Kings’, and it is their house, not mine. To be living my ideals and not mooching, it behooves me to create my own home/community and share it with others. That is what we are here to learn about and brainstorm. Until we find our own place, I will continue to HIGHLY appreciate the eco-friendly hand-out. (Thank you, again, Kings!)

If you are interested in downsizing your impact and creating community without being “that guy who still lives with his parents,” check out Little House on a Small Planet. I am amazed at the diversity of people's responses to these issues. Some people build tiny houses while others get creative with community living and roommate situations. For example, CoAbode matches single moms with other single moms for all the benefits of a two-parent household without having to wait for Mr. Right!

More perks to Drippin’ livin’:

*I expected that not paying rent would free up time (I only work about 16 hours/week). What I didn’t know is that I would find a local job and feel the blessings of a downsized commute. I traded an 18-minute drive, 45-minute bus ride, and 10-minute walk for a simple 13-minute-drive. Hurray for more free time, less money spent on gas, and less carbon emissions!

*By having two other dogs, three other humans, and a big fenced yard in his life, Oser is getting much better socialized! I bet there's a correlation to children.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Update on mortar work

Amber and I finally shared our first morning of muddy messy masonry yesterday. These are some pics of the process. The idea (which only time will deem brilliant or idiotic) was to dry-stack the bottom two courses very carefully and only use the natural (meaning water sensitive) mortar once a safer height off of ground level was reached. This would keep the vulnerable mortar and the cob ring above it away from potential surface water while adding extra breathability to the structure's base. Moisture seeping into the draining rubble foundation could evaporate and be carried out of the oven's base via airflow without threat of interior condensation (often more threatening to structural integrity in cob walls than exterior wetness due to the constant saturating damp it creates). All of this is likely completely unnecessary over-thinking for a simple oven project. That said, it is in keeping with the spirit of experimentation and self-education of this leg of our journey. We intend to make good use of every lesson learned in this relatively low-risk endeavor, so why not? You get out what you put in.

We started by running the desired portion of decomposed granite (We have a pile of neglected leftovers from the construction of a foot path years ago) through a 4'x4' wood framed piece of hardware screen (wire mesh) that has been temporarily suspended from a conveniently located live oak. The granite has far too many large pebbles and rocks to serve as a mortar material in its natural state, but once screened, provides a beautifully varied spectrum of super sharp aggregate that locks into a very stable matrix once a bonding agent (in this case clay) is added and mixed by foot to the right consistency. This was our first run at screening material and the system proved to be functional but still needs some tweaking. I was experimenting with a flexible frame design that showed some promise initially, but proved too finicky in the long run. I got a grueling education in the economy of labor required by manually screening massive amounts of sand and gravel while working on a basic water filtration system in a rural village in Peru several years ago. Anything that requires constant adjustment or breaks the flow and rhythm of the work is usually not worth it.

[Side Note: If you are a traveller or concerned global citizen and have never heard of Hands on Disaster Response, do yourself and the rest of the world a favor and take a minute to check out their web page @ http://www.hodr.org/ This organization is AMAZING. Amber and I spent a third of our three month Peru trip with them after the earthquake three years ago. This is not another pay-to-play volunteer organization where you can feel good about your vacation time by paying someone to let you work for them, and maybe do some good in the meantime. These people mean business. You pay your way there and they feed and shelter you for as long as you can commit in exchange for your willingness to work HARD, all day, six days a week, hand in hand with locals trying to put their lives back together after shattering tragedy. In my 20+ years of world travel I've never been so impressed with an organization or a self-selected group of volunteers. We made some life-long international friends from this experience, some of whom will be at our wedding in Oct. Nuff said.]

So, I will sure-up the frame before the next batch. Once we had the right amounts of screened aggregate and clay-based sub soil portioned out on a mixing tarp, we lost the shoes, cranked the bluegrass tunes, and danced our first muddy mix'n jig. For those of you unfamiliar with cob building and tarp mixing techniques, think the whimsy of mud pies, puddle jumping, music festival dancing, and traditional grape-stomping mixed with the attention to detail and multi-sensory input of a potter's wheel or a painters pallet. This is 'serious' fun in the fullest sense, and it was truly special to finally share the sacred mud dance with my favorite human.

The actual rock work went pretty slowly, something I'm finally getting used to. Its all unfamiliar ground for both of us every time we reach a new phase of construction. Taking our time allows us to learn everything there is to learn from each action, each movement. It can be frustrating for sure, but it is also rewarding in a sense adults don't often get to experience in our world. By using concrete the entire foundation could have easily been built (even by us) in a day or two max. Although this kind of speed and ease of labour sounds like an obvious winner, the sacrifices and compromises for a project like this one are too many and too subtle to list. I will be writing more about the role that concrete and lime play in my projects when we tackle the garden cottage's foundation.

We started by working out from behind the accent stone (the one standing on end). This is the trickiest, most delicate, and most visible section so it only made sense to start here. It is sometimes tempting to hop around the ring trying to find the right fit for that perfect stone you already have at hand. Although this can be instantly rewarding, it typically means a lot more work in-filling the gaps created between these 'perfect' fits because the size and shape of the gap has already been determined. If you only work out from one point in each course of stone(either direction or both simultaneously is fine), then there is only one place (when the course meets back up with itself) where your options are limited in this way. Make sense? Sometimes its worth it, most of the time its not.

We are using the mortar more as chinking and irregular bedding than what I understand to be typical for stone work. There are risks involved in this, but so far the trade-offs, like avoiding concrete, seem to be favoring the decision (only time will tell for sure). It is much slower than the slop and plop style typical for brick or mortared stone because the stones still need to be carefully placed in stable positions. They are essentially dry-stacked with the mortar adding stability and support. So far it looks and feels very sturdy.

OK... I'm done looking at his screen for today, but I'll pick back up later. Sorry there aren't any photos of the mixing. We were too busy enjoying, but there will be lots of photo opportunities to come.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

More Pics of the Progress

1: Brad tests a ball of all-natural mortar made from decomposed granite and sub-soil (aka dirt and dirt).
2: Brad made three different mortars and tested how well they could glue rocks together. This one was the most successful. No need to buy concrete, which is an energy waster!
3: The foundation for the oven is currently all dry stacked rock. We treat this as a giant puzzle because stability depends on the rocks fitting together snugly. We will start using the mortar higher up.
4: The oven foundation and wood pallets to re-use in the roof structure.

The oven project is coming together nicely, gaining momentum as we tinker with every step along the way. There has been a lot of rock in my (Brad's) life as of late. My self-education in drystacking has been slow but very enjoyable, and the bulk of the rock work is now complete. This took A LOT more time and effort than I had imagined, but I am really pleased with the result. A station for screening and mixing the decomposed granite and sub-soil is all set up and ready to start producing my specialy formulated natural mortar.

I have to wait until tomorrow to do the mortar work since the last two nights have seen substantial freezes here. The weather is looking good for the next week, so we should be able to get some muddy business taken care of.

The Truck (still needs a name) has been a great help. Check out all the free hard wood I have been able to find through Craigslist (leaning against tree and around site). We're gonna play with some pallet-truss design in the next week or so. I should be able to do all of the woodwork for the roof structure and oven counterspace with wood that was on its way to the landfill.

a little late but...

Sorry folks, this was written a while back but not published.

We're off to a slow start because I was sick, then Brad threw his back out (major bummer!), and now it's raining. We also are learning where we can source materials. Brad has spent this week looking at every used pick-up truck in Central Texas (who would have thought that there are so many trucks in Texas?). After perusing thousands of trucks online, today he is finally buying a beautifully blue Ford Ranger. That should make hauling free materials much easier.

While it does not look astonishing, what we have accomplished so far actually took several steps. To date, we have:

1) Designed the structures and sketched elevations, footprints, floor plans, and so on

2) Tested the soil for clay, sand, and silt content

3) Mixed small batches of cob and created test bricks using subsoil from test holes at and near both potential sites

4) Created a variety of test mortars to use for the stove’s stone work

5) Dug the foundation hole for the earth oven and cob wall (for the counter), keeping the subsoil in a pile under a tarp to use later for making the cob

6) Dug a drainage ditch to “daylight," grading and tamping the foundation’s floor to provide a sturdy footing.

7) Gathered lots and lots and LOTS of rocks, sorted them by shape and size for the oven’s masonry base, and threw all the smaller irregular ones in the hole as rubble fill for a draining foundation (it took a lot of rocks to fill that hole!)

8) Spent a lot of time "siting" the cottage: simply going outside to observe how the sun, wind, and water affects the site where we want to build

I was surprised at the time spent on rock gathering, which has taken several full afternoons. You can't do it all day because of the strain of repetitive motion on your back and knees. Hopefully, with the new truck, we can just go get piles of rubble that others want to get rid of.

We had to move the site of the cottage due to some seriously well timed revelations concerning sub-surface water flows. Guess this town’s name--Dripping Springs--is more than just a funny sounding country western phrase. More on this to come.

Brad’s note: In reading this loose laundry list one doesn’t get a good impression of just how un-chore-like this time has felt. Getting to know a project through its ‘raw’ materials is three parts meditation for every one part action. Every day brings new interactions with the world out of which your vision is to be sculpted. Each of these in turn brings to light some new facet worthy of consideration. Places, spaces, and things have personalities all their own, and orchestrating the combination of these into a singular vision is a complex dance requiring imagination and lots of patience.

Really its more of a “re-combination”, as it is necessarily true that all the constituent parts and factors which go into building or ‘making’ anything exist in relation to one another well before the project is conceived. Typically we the ‘makers’ are far too dislocated from the source of a project’s materials to see our activities at a specific site as anything more than an addition. As if all the bits come from nowhere and the site is but a place to put some ‘thing’, a thing that will turn a nowhere into a somewhere. This can never be the case.

At least 95% of what goes into our oven will be found in a pre-existing condition within 100 yards of the final result. This gives an intimacy to our activities and inspires us to foster a relationship with the project as more than a set of means to an end, more than a list of steps taken in the construction of a thing, more than the inception and realization of an idea.

Like any good healthy relationship, these projects seem to gain momentum as proper care and due diligence are undertaken with love and joy. Every moment has been a valuable experiment, from hours spent tinkering barehanded with soil, sand, and water to mornings dominated by the posthole digger and pick axe. Though they may look like a hole filled with rocks and a hose on the ground surrounded by stakes, these two sites are much more. They represent a humbling education in the relational web of ties between two humans, an idea, a family, a community, a society, and a small hunk of our planet’s living skin. Every step has brought a deepening of both our awareness and understanding of these relationships.

These two projects are the beginning of a life’s worth of challenges and meaning-making for Amber and I. It is humbling and liberating and intimidating and exciting and confusing to confront the blurry fringes of our vision for a life worth living. As we attempt to embrace the uncertainty and steel ourselves for what lies ahead, we are especially grateful for the love and support of our friends and family. Thank you for your strength and inspiration. Thank you for keeping us grounded when we get flighty and setting us aflight when we feel stuck. This is just the beginning and there is much work ahead, but for the first time in my life I honestly feel that, as the oft quoted line from ‘The Prophet’ goes, “Work is love made manifest…”

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Welcome to the natural building experience!

For having been in Texas for a month and a half, it doesn't look like we have accomplished much: a large, round hole in the ground filled with rocks and a garden hose laid out in a nearly rectangular fashion. Our adorable cob magic hut and earth oven are off to a slow start.

I'm guessing that if you are reading this, you know us, but if not, here's an intro: Break down "Bramber" and you get Brad, 28, handy guy with a large beard, and Amber, 24, not so handy and unbearded. Brad is likely to lead the building, while Amber (me) is probably going to do most of the writing.

We happen to be engaged and have recently relocated from Washington state to Texas to experiment with natural building, holistic living, and copious amounts of free time. We also have a dog-child monster named Oser.

Our plan is to build an earth-oven, suitable for baking bread, wood-firing pizzas, cooking casseroles and the like. It will have built-in counter space and a shed roof to protect it from rain. Next is a far more ambitious project: a one-room cob cottage.

We are building these structures on Brad's parents' land in a gated neighborhood. The parents already have a 3-bedroom home with several common areas: a living room, upstairs bonus room, a large backyard patio, and a separate studio (from which I am writing you). Our first challenge, then, was to define the purpose of building the cottage. No matter how green the building technique, it would be a waste of materials and unnecessary land disturbance if no one needs or uses it.

Our personal rationale is that this is the only free place we can find to experiment with natural building techniques. But the building will still be standing long after our learning experience is over (if we do it right!). At first we thought it could be a little guest bedroom, but quickly decided no one would choose to stay out there for long when there is space in the house with bathrooms. What could this place offer that a comfortable, modern home cannot? We have decided: magic.

Think tree house, clubhouse, sacred meditation nook, sanctuary. Bellinghamsters, envision a cob Jungle Hut. A place that's beautiful, a little wild, to bring pretty stones and bits of sea glass (ok, Hamsters, there's no beach here, but we brought a jar full of Locust treasures with us). We're going to have big windows, built-in benches, and a sculpted fireplace. I can imagine meditation, yoga, reading, drawing, writing and dreaming occurring here.

Sound too whimsically hippie-dippie? Well, one day, we hope to use these skills on a practical goal: housing the homeless and those living in inadequate shelter. But I've decided that not everything in life can be "practical" because then life is not worth living. So, for now, we get to be creative and not feel guilty about it, damn it!

We are sharing this learning experiment to encourage conscious decision-making about homes and daily life. Do you have to have a 30-year mortgage? How much square footage do you need? Is there a way to get around the toxins in modern building materials? How much money do you need to make to support yourself? Society gives us one set of answers (such as: yes, a lot, no, and a lot). But I am coming to believe that the ways we set up our homes and communities can be as varied and creative as we are. I hope to find juicy, vibrant new ways of experiencing the often neglected, mundane details of our busy lives: how we feed and shelter ourselves. Please feel free to follow along, ask questions, comment and critique!

Photo: A cob cottage named "Dawn" at the inspiring Cob Cottage Company in Oregon. Brad completed a workshop at Cob Co., and Brad and Amber visited it on their road trip from WA to TX.